!i!i! unsungNovelty

How to add TailwindCSS 3 to a Hugo website in 2022?

Posted on: 4 March, 2022   4 min(s) read   Tags: webdev/

Table of contents:

I use Hugo for my personal website - https://www.unsungnovelty.org. At present I use Bulma for it. But I am working on a redesign with TailwindCSS. During my search, I found articles to add TailwindCSS to Hugo confusing. And at times bloated. So here is a straight forward article (and hopefully easy to follow) on how to add TailwindCSS to a Hugo website. This article is not supposed to show off all the features of TailwindCSS. The goal is a simple and straight forward setup for TailwindCSS in your Hugo website.

If you already have a Hugo website and just want to add TailwindCSS to it’s theme, jump directly to follow How to add TailwindCSS to a Hugo theme?.

How to create a minimal Hugo website & add TailwindCSS to a new hugo theme?

  • Install hugo package on your operating system. Follow the Install section from Getting started from gohugo.io. If you are on Windows, the below commands might not work in full. Use a unix shell like bash to make them work.
  • Create a new Hugo website using the command hugo new site <site name> in your terminal. Eg; hugo new site thisSiteIsNew. This will create a new hugo site with a startup template inside the directory called thisSiteIsNew.
  • Go inside your new site’s directory. Eg; cd thisSiteIsNew.
  • Create a new theme using the hugo new theme <theme name>. Eg; hugo new theme thisThemeIsNew. This will create a new directory with the <theme name> and necessary files needed to get started. In my case, it will be inside thisSiteIsNew/themes/thisThemeIsNew.
  • Link the Hugo theme in your config file. An example config file will look like the below. This is a config.toml. Here I use .toml format. If you want to use .json or .yaml for your Hugo config file, you can. Just format it accordingly.
baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'thisSiteIsNew'
theme = 'thisThemeIsNew'
  • Initialise package.json using npm init -y. This will create a package.json file inside your theme directory.

How to add TailwindCSS to a Hugo theme?

  • Go inside the themes directory. It is in hugo-website-directory/themes/theme-name/. This assumes you have a hugo website with layouts, config file etc setup.
  • Gentle reminder - If you haven’t already, link your Hugo theme in your config file. An example config file will look like the below. This is a config.toml.Here I use .toml format. If you want to use .json or .yaml, format it accordingly.
baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'thisSiteIsNew'
theme = 'thisThemeIsNew'
  • Initialise package.json using npm init -y. This will create a package.json file inside your theme directory.
  • Install tailwind css using npm install --save-dev tailwindcss. This installs tailwindcss as a development dependency.
  • Initialise tailwind.config.js by running the command npx tailwindcss init. This will create a tailwind.config.js file.
  • Inside tailwind.config.js file, add the below code:
module.exports = {
  content: ["content/**/*.md", "layouts/**/*.html"],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],
  • Create a file called input.css in /assets directory. You can also use main.css instead of input.css as mentioned in tailwindcss documentation. Also, If this is a new theme, /assets directory won’t be present and you should create it. mkdir assets in Linux for create a new directory.
  • Add the below code to input.css file.
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
  • Create an output.css inside the /assets folder. We will use the tailwindcss cli to transpile the stuff needed from input.css to output.css. output.css which will be our final css file.
  • Add some tailwind css utilities to your html files. I have the below index.html which is the home page of a hugo website.
{{ define "main" }}

    <h1 class="text-3xl text-blue-700 font-bold underline">thisSiteIsNew</h1>
    <p class="bg-sky-600 text-slate-100">The thisSiteIsNew uses a theme called thisThemeIsNew</p>
{{ end }}
  • Link your output.css to your website by linking the stylesheet in the /layouts/partials/head.html. An example head.html looks like the below:
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Hello Hugo</title>
    {{ $style := resources.Get "output.css" }}    
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $style.Permalink }}">
  • Add the below script/command to package.json file. This is needed to build the output.css from your input.css based on the utility classes you added in the previous step.
"scripts": {
    "build-tw": "npx tailwindcss -i ./assets/input.css -o ./assets/output.css"

You can use any name instead of build-tw here. I just use build-tw which easily translates to build tailwind.

  • Everytime you make changes to your styling using tailwind utilities, you can run npm run build-tw. This will create a new output.css file.

  • Now go back to the Hugo site’s directory from /themes/thisThemeIsNew.

  • And from inside /thisSiteIsNew run hugo server --disableFastRender in your terminal. It will start a live server in http://localhost:1313/ by default. Otherwise you will have the address in the terminal. That is it. A Hugo website which uses TailwindCSS.

If you have followed all the steps, you should have a Hugo website with the below output.

A webpage with the heading thisSiteIsNew and a paragraph which says The thisSiteIsNew uses a theme called thisThemeIsNew

Final output if you have followed the article step by step.

Found an error? Know a better way to do this? Have feedback on my writing? DM me on Twitter @unsungNovelty or drop a mail to unsungnovelty at protonmail dot com.